Not a writer, I like to make videos, photoshop photos and animations. But, here goes.
@DigiEnablement – Event Listings
Last week I spent most of my time searching the internet for events that may be interesting to everyone in the #GCDigital world. Specifically, events that are directly relatable to the work we are doing inside @DigiEnablement. You can find some of those events calendar on my activities list: Take a look. I’ll be attending some of them and would love to run into you.
@DigitEnablement – #GCTools Outreach
Krista (@lecuyerkrista) nails it, yet again. Her presentation to Transport Canada’s YPN on how to effectively leverage the #GCTools to enable collaboration externally was well received by attendees of all ages. Missed it? Here is a link to her presentation:
@DigiEnablement – OneGC
We are now working diligently in the partnerships group to correctly frame the #OneGC for the upcoming meeting in a few weeks. We plan to engage people inside #OCIO and greater #GC to see what they think of the framework we are developing in coordination with our CTO and other partners. The week of the 23rd, we will be engaging in meetings on this before delivering our suggestions to the wider audience in October.
@DigiEnablement – Goodbye lunches
There comes a time when good people have to move on to new adventures. Always fun to get together at the Pub for lunch with colleagues. Sierra Duffey (UX and IS) who was the project lead for the Aurora Design System ( is moving to PSPC. Parts of this site borrows elements of that system. And finally, Emily Kokkoros our policy advisor inside DigiEnablement is also moving on to a new position within the #GC. They will be missed.
#TCDigital: Build-a-Bot Workshops
I was very excited to have joined the #TCDigital: Build-a-Bot Workshop at 330 Sparks Street on Tuesday. I was unable to make the morning workshop but was able to attend for part of the advanced workshop. The task was to move data from a spreadsheet and populate a PDF. The purpose is to reduce redundant tasks for financial officers. Take a look at the video.
IPAC: September Cinq à Sept
Tuesday evening I ventured over to 3 Brewers on Sparks for the IPAC September social hosted by guest speaker Neil Bouwer. It was great to connect with public servants at all levels from a variety of departments. Neil Bouwer had some great quotes from the evening:
“Taxi chits are fossilized artifacts of the past.” – @JDNeilBouwer
“Anybody like the word DIGITAL? I don’t. We should substitute the word DIGITAL with MODERN.” – @JDNeilBouwer
#GCDigital Mixer
Thanks to Stéphane Tourangeau for organizing the #GCDigital mixer at Aulde Dubliner & Pour House. Like all mixers, it’s an excellent opportunity to connect with public servants across the #GC working in your area. I can’t wait for the next one.
#LEADERSGC: WomenInSTEM September Twitter Chat
What a great success for our first twitter chat of the Fall Season 2019. Thanks to our panellists: Shannon Archibald (CIO, SSC), Tammy Labelle (CIO, PSPC), Dr. Kinga Petroval (Education Specialist & Engineer, Digital Academy CSPS) and Jillian LeBlanc (Senior Analyst, Gender and Technology, TBS).
Missed the Twitter conversation? Take a look at the Twitter Moment captured on Thursday:
Interesting in joining the #LeadersGC as a collaborator? We are currently recruiting new collaborators from across the country and in Ottawa. If you are interested in joining us please connect with me: